School Uniform 2015/2016


The school uniform (jumper, shirt, blouse, tie and kilt) is available only through the school or through the school website

Footwear: Ordinary Black, polishable Shoes. Runners,canvas, suede and coloured soled shoes are not acceptable.

Jumper (Boys and Girls): Airforce blue: V neck with gold stripes and embroidered school crest
Two Shirts (Boys): Dark grey with tie
Two Blouses (Girls): Cream (blouse without tie)
Trousers (Boys Only): School grey
Tie (Boys Only): Airforce blue with grey stripes
Tights/socks (Girls): Navy Lycra Tights or navy knee socks
Footwear: Ordinary black, polishable shoes
Runners, canvas shoes, deck shoes (white soled), flip flop style shoes are not acceptable
Jackets: Regulation school jackets must be worn by all students
P.E.: In the interest of hygiene and safety appropriate gym gear (T-shirt/track suit/shorts) must be worn. White soled runners are preferable
Jewellery: Jewellery should not be outlandish or a source of risk in terms of Health & Safety. Students may wear small/neat  earrings but all other facial piercings (this includes tongue rings & lobe stretchers) are strictly forbidden 
Hair: Should be kept clean and tidy (no garish styles & this includes colour & length) and worn in a manner suitable for school, as deemed acceptable by school management. Students must be clean-shaven.
Make-up/Tattoos: Facial makeup is natural and seamless. Eye make-up, inappropriate nail polish and fake tan are forbidden. Visible tattoos are not permitted.


Uniform must be worn at all times during school hours (this includes coming to and going home from school).

Parents are asked to note carefully:

  • Students who arrive to school without the proper school uniform will not be allowed participate in classes for that day, or until they are in full uniform. An opportunity to have the correct item/s of uniform delivered to the school will be given.
  • Only notes from a recognised medical practitioner will be accepted as an excuse for not wearing uniform. Notes from parents are not acceptable in this instance.

It is strongly recommended that students should take off their uniform when they arrive home. Please note that students who wear uniform after school are still identifiable with the school and school rules apply.

Purchasing Uniforms

Uniforms can be purchased in the school on specific dates, online or at Kaideen in Baltinglass.