‘The most effective schools were those which had set out clear aims and objectives, had carefully drawn up programmes and policies, and had generated a strong team spirit and a sense of commitment among the teachers’.

Transition Year Programme  An Evaluation by the Inspectorate of the Department of Education



Our Transition Year Programme is going from strength to strength since its inception in 2001 with just 24 students. Since then in excess of 100 students participate in the programme each year in Colaiste Bhride. 

Transition Year – Mission Statement

-To provide the personal, social, and intellectual development of the students.

-To prepare them to become active participants in their learning,

 -To provide them with a broad range of academic and cultural experiences.


Transition Year Rationale

  • To provide a learning structure which promotes maturity
  • To provide a wide range of cognative and emotional skills
  • To be learning led rather than exam driven
  • To ensure breadth and balance in the curriculum
  • To provide experiential learning
  • To challenge students in all areas of development
  • To facilitate interdisciplinary and cross-curricular links
  • To develop life skills
  • To learn through networking with other schools and social agencies
  • To encourage variety in teaching and learning styles
  • To enable students to become independent, self-directed and self-regulated learners
  • To encourage a professional use of assessment
  • To meet the needs of all learners

To co-operate with all educational partners in providing a broad and enriching experience.


Aims of our Transition Year Programme


To lay a secure foundation for:

  1. A Leaving Certificate programme with more purpose and motivation
  2. A more informed approach to Leaving Certificate subject choices.
  3. Increased social awareness and social competence.
  4. Enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem.



  1. To facilitate further development of general, practical and academic skills.
  2. To provide the opportunity to discover and explore individual talents aptitudes and abilities.
  3. To develop effective study skills for  performance in Leaving Certificate examinations.


Adult and Working Life

  1. To gain insight into the world of work.
  2. To expand the learning environment beyond the school campus into the wider community.
  3. To explore students to explore a variety of leisure activities in order to use leisure time constructively.
  4. To help students to acquire a positive awareness of their community and therefore enable them to become active
Coláiste Bhride may offer the following  in Transition Year

Calendar ‘Once Off’ Layer

Work Experience PlacementsUniversity Open Days
School Final of Young EntrepreneurTheatre Trips
County Final of Young EntrepreneurYSI Speak Out
Gorey Chamber of Commerce CompetitionFrench/German Exchanges
Visiting SpeakersIrish Workshop
Awareness days 
Workshop DaysBaltingass Induction Day
Killary Outdoor Education TripLearner Driving Instruction Day
Gaisce VentureBuild a Bank Launch
TY Dev Ed WorkshopsESS Fieldtrip
Mental Health SeminarsLaw Day
Optional European Tour 
Transition Specific Layer
Mini CompanyGaisce
Junk KoutureSwimming
First AidGaisce Awards
Home EconomicsJournalism
LawYoung Social Innovators
Programming & CodingHolocaust Studies
Woodwork/Engineering/Tech GraphsPsychology
 Road Safety
Tae kwan doItalian
DanceOutdoor Pursuits/Hill walking
Guitar for beginnersLeisure & Rec
Critical reasoning & public speaking 
Subject Sampling Layer
ChemistryBusiness Studies
Core Subject Layer
MathsCareer Guidance
Outdoor PursuitsPSE



Assessment in Transition year

Relationship to Mission / Vision / Aims

Assessment in the broadest sense includes all appraisal of student achievement in curricular and co-curricular activities. The pursuit of excellence in all things requires reflection on practices, procedures, facilities and attitudes with a view to improvement. This policy articulates Colaiste Bhride’s goals for formative and summative assessment with a view to improving teaching and learning.


 In Colaiste Bhride it is school policy:

  • That summative Assessment occurs twice yearly by the means of end of module formal examinations in November and May.
  • That assessment for Learning Methodologies are applied in each subject / module area in the form of continuous assessment.
  • That all staff are encouraged to be flexible in assessments and in facilitating the demands and overall aims of the
  • That TY be learning-led rather than exam-led.
  • To use a variety of methods of assessment including oral, aural, and written exams, project work, unit work, continuous assessment


Folder of Achievement

Each student is required to keep a folder recording his/her activities during the course of the year.

The aim of this is to provide a means of reflecting on the worth and meaning of the activities that the individual has participated in.

It will also be instrumental in awarding prizes and class certificates at the end of the year.

Certificates will be presented at the following levels:

Distinction                  Merit               Participation

More importantly it will be a unique record of each students’ experiences of a year when there is time to experiment, to achieve and to enjoy a myriad of different activities.


Custom & Practice

 Applying for Transition Year Programme 

Step 1- TY Induction for students & parents

  • All 3rd year students are presented with information regarding the TY Programme in December/January of the academic year to which they wish to apply.
  • Parents and students are also invited to an evening introduction meeting in January, entitled Senior Cycle Information Evening
  • Application forms are given to interested students which must be returned within one week by date specified.

Step 2

Applications are screened by Management, TY Core Group and Year Head           according to:    

  • Availability of places
  • Commitment to the programme.
  • Personal school record of the applicant
  • Application to school life and extra curricular activities
  • Interview process.

Step 3

Students are informed in writing of the outcome of the selection process.

Following receipt of this letter, students offered a place must accept it in writing together with fees. This secures a place.

Students transferring from another school: General Admissions Policy to Coláiste Bhride applies as well as Transition Year Admissions Policy.

Transfer students must accept their place in writing together with payment of fee in full within two weeks of being offered a place on the TY Programme.

Note: Deposit is non-refundable.