On Wednesday, 11th November our senior hurlers took to the pitch in the quarter final of the South Leinster hurling championship. We battled out the 60 minutes in the mud and rain against opponents Knockbeg College. Unfortunately despite a great start with the wind which saw Martin Doyle rattle the net, Knockbeg slowly but surely chipped away, patiently waiting for their chance to pull ahead. This chance came midway through the first half when their nippy strike force got the better of our normally solid defence to notch up their first goal. Once they got their noses in front they maintained a constant 3/4 point lead despite our tireless work rate. All credit to our lads, they acquitted themselves well against a physically superior team and never let their heads drop. A late 21 yard free from James Smyth was, unfortunately, too little too late and the final whistle ended our campaign in  South Leinster this year. On a positive note some of the stars of the show were youngsters Eoin Doyle, Paddy Doyle and Ian Clancy who held their own against the senior lads. If they are anything to go by the next crop coming up is a good one!

Final score: CBC 2:6   Knockbeg 4:11