L.C. Awards Night

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00January 25th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, LC|

Our 33rd LC Presentation evening was a very special occasion thanks to the wonderful efforts of so many—our Parents’ Council (in particular Eileen Doran), Neil, Lucy, Margaret Colgan, Siobhan Browne, Pat Brennan and everyone associated. The Ashdown Park was a super venue and the meal was superb! Thanks to our Pastoral Care team and other [...]

Outstanding Results by the Class of 2015

2018-04-30T12:04:19+01:00September 17th, 2015|LC, Students|

We congratulate all our 6th years, their parents and teachers and the whole school community on these results. Amongst the many highlights: Highest points 605 14 students (12%) attained over 500 points 39 students (33%) attained over 400 points Students who completed TY averaged 105 points more than those who did not do TY LCA [...]

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