
Careers Evening 2016

2016-09-30T09:02:22+01:00September 30th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Parents, Students|

Coláiste Bhríde's annual Careers Evening will take place in the school on Friday, October 7th. Leaving Cert students and their parents are invited to attend at 6.30 and 5th year students and their parents at 7pm. Thirty colleges and former Leaving Cert students who will act as mentors in varying disciplines will be there to [...]

New Year, New Beginnings – 1hr. Classes & T.Y.

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00September 12th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Parents|

New Year, New Beginnings Welcome Back to the students of Colaiste Bhride Carnew. The new school year has begun again as students and teachers return to school after a well-earned and relaxing summer holiday. We welcome our new first years who took their first steps into the life of secondary school students last week and [...]

Parents & Student information nights

2016-01-19T12:23:01+00:00January 19th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Parents|

1st year induction night Tuesday 7pm : an introduction to school life in Coláiste Bhríde including subject options and iPad information.   Snr. Cycle Information night Wednesday 20th : all 3rd & T.Y. students & parents to attend. Including information re. T.Y., Traditional Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme.  

Examination Fees 2016

2015-12-10T09:46:38+00:00December 10th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Parents, Students|

Junior Cert & Leaving Cert Examination Fees 2016 The fees for entry to the 2016 Certificate Examinations payable by candidates who are recognised pupils in secondary schools are as follows: Leaving Certificate (including Leaving Certificate Applied) €116 Junior Certificate €109 Waiver of Examination Fees for Medical Card Holders Candidates who hold a full medical card [...]

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