Transition Year market day took place on Tuesday 17th of November. Market day gives students a chance to sell their products to other students but more importantly it is also the first round of judging in the young entrepreneurs competition. Judges James Keogh of Rathwood and Fiona Redmond of Amber Springs and Ashdown Park hotels were very impressed with the displays of the 44 companies on show. They also commented that the standard of products was very high and that it will be hard to pick the overall winners. Round 2 will involve submitting a Business plan to the judges in January, who will then select the top 12 companies to interview before choosing the top 4 who will represent the school at the Co finals in March.
James Keogh will also pick up to 20 companies to give stalls to at the Rathwood Christmas fair on December 3rd, again a wonderful opportunity for these young entrepreneurs. We wish to thank the judges for their dedication and time in judging this years competition. We would also like to say well done to all students on their efforts to date.
Ms Lambert, Ms. Hughes and Mr Finn.T.Y. Market day