Transition Years go to Baltinglass

Last Friday the 9th September Coláiste Bhride’s TYs went on a day venture to Baltinglass Outdoor Education and Training Centre. They had full day of action which included Orienteering, Rock Climbing, Zip- Lining, Kayaking, Archery and Canoeing.
The TYs were split up into base classes which consisted of four groups that completed each activity in rotation. The forecast for the day was to be very bad and it did not disappoint, the TYs were given the task of completing all of the outdoor exercises in the bad weather, and they took this challenge in their stride. The orienteering was completed first with a very enthusiastic group of students who were all eager to complete the course. It was a funny spectacle to watch students slipping and sliding on a muddy track just to punch a hole in their card. The next thing to be completed was the rock climbing and zip-lining. There were many whoops and glees of delight as students whished past on the zip line. The next thing to be completed after a short break was the kayaking and canoeing – probably the event most was excited about. It was a very comical sight to see a group of thirty students waddling up the street in wetsuits and life jackets. The kayaking and canoeing was done with great effort but with little tribulation, but the greatest joy of the water sports was when the students got to dive bomb off a rope into the river. There was very happy and sodden faces seen walking back up the town. The next and final thing to be completed was the Archery. It was with a half- hearted effort the students completed this task as they were exhausted from the day’s challenges and trials
There were many tales at the end of the day of mucky legs and bums from all of the people who had slipped during orienteering, and tales of bull eyes and ten pointers from archery. It was a great day enjoyed by all students from TY despite the weather.

Junior Cert Results

On Wednesday 14th September transition year students and fifth year students celebrated as they received their Junior Cert results some were anxious and nervous while others were extremely excited to find out their results and thankfully they were all extremely positive and lots of celebration. Well done everyone!

Sports Update

The return of the school year has brought about another season of GAA action for the CB Carnew players. For the mean time the hurlers will take centre stage with the u16 championship opener vs. Kilmuckridge to be played on Friday 16th September in Carnew Emmets GAA field. The players have been prepared well by Mr Morris and Mr Nolan with 3 trainings already this year with attendance well over 30 players between senior and junior each week. There will be an expectancy for this team to progress well throughout their competitions and hopefully it will be a positive result reported next week. The u16 football championship will return in November with an opener versus local rivals Gorey Community School and training for this competition is in full flow also.

Anna Gahan