
Harrogate International Music Festival

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00April 1st, 2016|Archive, Breaking, The Arts|

The Harrogate Youth Music Festival has been running for many years and has built up a well-deserved international reputation. This year’s event hosted groups from Kenya, Germany, USA and Ireland in addition to many groups from the UK. This festival, which is non-competitive by design, provides an excellent opportunity for ensembles and performing arts group [...]

Folk Band Wins GAA Song Contest

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00March 29th, 2016|Archive, Breaking|

Coláiste Bhríde's folk band, under the guidance of Mr. David Callanan, had huge success on Tuesday, 22nd March winning the GAA's national "Song to Commemorate 1916" competition. Their ballad entitled "The Last Gun Fired" beat off stiff competition from schools throughout the country to land the top prize! Four members of the group were on [...]

1916 Commemorations (Flag presentation)

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00March 8th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Uncategorized|

Yesterday Hollie Kavanagh and Anne-Marie Doyle travelled to Croke to join 6000 other students in receiving a national flag at a ceremony there. There was much pomp and prestige about the sporting venue in a ceremony that was hosted by Ryan Tubridy. President Michael D Higgins giving a rousing speech about the history of the [...]

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