
Transition Year Drama Night

2016-01-27T22:05:08+00:00January 27th, 2016|Archive, Breaking|

3 groups of transition year students will preform 3 different sketches 10 things I hate about you Friends This is a test The performances will start at 8pm so you should be in your seats by 7.45pm Tickets will be on sale at the door  

L.C. Awards Night

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00January 25th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, LC|

Our 33rd LC Presentation evening was a very special occasion thanks to the wonderful efforts of so many—our Parents’ Council (in particular Eileen Doran), Neil, Lucy, Margaret Colgan, Siobhan Browne, Pat Brennan and everyone associated. The Ashdown Park was a super venue and the meal was superb! Thanks to our Pastoral Care team and other [...]

Snr. Rugby win Semi Final of Dev. Cup

2016-01-25T09:19:19+00:00January 25th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Sport|

It was a long journey to Longford for the senior rugby team on Friday, 22nd January, as they travelled to play in the Leinster Development Cup semi final against Moyne Community School. The CB team were determined not to let the lengthy bus journey be an excuse or reason to start the game slowly against [...]

Parents & Student information nights

2016-01-19T12:23:01+00:00January 19th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Parents|

1st year induction night Tuesday 7pm : an introduction to school life in Coláiste Bhríde including subject options and iPad information.   Snr. Cycle Information night Wednesday 20th : all 3rd & T.Y. students & parents to attend. Including information re. T.Y., Traditional Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme.  

Wicklow Garda Youth Awards

2016-01-10T23:12:05+00:00January 10th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Students, Uncategorized|

Wicklow Garda Youth Awards The inaugural Wicklow Garda Youth Awards took place in The Park Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy on Saturday, 9th January. Despite the dreadful weather all recipients and Gardaí managed to cross “The Gap” from the west! Community groups, clubs and schools were invited to nominate young people who stand out and there were three [...]

“Is this art or can I throw it away?”

2016-01-09T11:43:46+00:00January 9th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Uncategorized|

You are invited to the opening of the exhibition "is this art or can I throw it away?"at the Courthouse Arts Centre Tinahely from 4-6pm this Sunday Jan 10th. The exhibition features work by students from Coláiste Bhríde and primary schools in the local area. It will run to the end of the month and is just part [...]

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