
Concern Debate

2015-11-23T23:52:56+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Uncategorized|

Colaiste Bhride Carnew Vs Colaiste Bride Enniscorthy On Monday, 23rd November, the Concern debate team of Annemarie Doyle, Jaqui Whelan, Alex Dudzik and Emer Rose Kealy continued their success in the Concern Debates competition. They travelled to Colaiste Bride, Enniscorthy a successfully opposed the motion "The COP21 will succeed where others have failed". The standard [...]

UCD Entrance Scholars Awards

2015-11-23T23:45:46+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Students|

Congratulations to all students who received UCD Entrance Scholars Awards yesterday, 19th November. A very proud moment for so many Leaving Certificate students of 2015, their parents and their schools. Professor Scott presented the award to our three recipients, Ronan Byrne, Andrew Hughes (in absentia) and Eoin O’Donnell. He spoke about how in UCD that [...]

2nd yr Debating

2015-11-23T23:47:49+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Students, Uncategorized|

Our second year debaters had a great experience as they participated in the Institute of Carlow's Annual Debating Competition. We entered two teams of two students. Sarah Kenny and Caoimhe Coady performed very well in the first round. Alanna Davidson and Cora Tyrrell successfully made it through to the next round where they proposed the [...]

T.Y. at D.C.U. Open day

2015-11-24T15:02:59+00:00November 23rd, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Students|

TY's had an early start on Friday morning as they embarked to the annual open day to the 'New DCU'. This 'University of Enterprise' has much to offer any prospective student. Students visited the faculties of business, engineering, health sciences, education, communications, applied languages, science and arts. Students visited the 2FM Roadcaster featuring Nicky Byrne [...]

Youth Information Bus

2015-11-18T21:11:11+00:00November 18th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Uncategorized|

Paul Murphy from Co. Wicklow Youth Service travelled to CB with his colleague Peter to offer the services of the Youth Information Bus to senior students. The bus is used all over Co. Wicklow and south Co. Dublin as an advisory service on third level, finances and promoting positive mental health. Students were intrigued by [...]

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