Snr. Soccer
A great team performance from the senior soccer squad today. It was a must win game for the team to qualify and they duly obliged. We started very well with Adam Rochford scoring the opening goal midway through the first half. St. Brendan's Bray replied to make the score 1-1 before Adam scored again with a header from a well [...]
T.Y. at D.C.U. Open day
TY's had an early start on Friday morning as they embarked to the annual open day to the 'New DCU'. This 'University of Enterprise' has much to offer any prospective student. Students visited the faculties of business, engineering, health sciences, education, communications, applied languages, science and arts. Students visited the 2FM Roadcaster featuring Nicky Byrne and Jenny Greene. Some students [...]
Youth Information Bus
Paul Murphy from Co. Wicklow Youth Service travelled to CB with his colleague Peter to offer the services of the Youth Information Bus to senior students. The bus is used all over Co. Wicklow and south Co. Dublin as an advisory service on third level, finances and promoting positive mental health. Students were intrigued by the 'bus'. It was definitely [...]
T.Y. Market Day
Transition Year market day took place on Tuesday 17th of November. Market day gives students a chance to sell their products to other students but more importantly it is also the first round of judging in the young entrepreneurs competition. Judges James Keogh of Rathwood and Fiona Redmond of Amber Springs and Ashdown Park hotels were very impressed with the [...]
“Rise & Shine”
"Rise & Shine" walk up Sliabh Bhui this morning as part of "Mind your mind" week.