The senior rugby team travelled to Wexford RFC on Friday, 6th November to play Wexford CBS. This was a tough friendly match against a team in a higher division in preparation to the quarter final next week against Ardscoil na Trionoide, Athy. With tough conditions in the first half, CB Carnew were lucky to win the toss to play with the wind. With not much separating the two teams Carnew fought well and were awarded with a try late in the first half to take a 5 – 0 lead. The second half was difficult against the wind and CBS Wexford replied with two tries; 10 – 5 to the home team. A determined Carnew team fought back and Sam Kennedy finished a try, converted by Cian Hadden to take a victory of 12 – 10. The squad has a healthy competition for places and are looking forward to the quarter final next week.