
Wicklow Garda Youth Awards

2016-01-10T23:12:05+00:00January 10th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Students, Uncategorized|

Wicklow Garda Youth Awards The inaugural Wicklow Garda Youth Awards took place in The Park Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy on Saturday, 9th January. Despite the dreadful weather all recipients and Gardaí managed to cross “The Gap” from the west! Community groups, clubs and schools were invited to nominate young people who stand out and there were three [...]

“Is this art or can I throw it away?”

2016-01-09T11:43:46+00:00January 9th, 2016|Archive, Breaking, Uncategorized|

You are invited to the opening of the exhibition "is this art or can I throw it away?"at the Courthouse Arts Centre Tinahely from 4-6pm this Sunday Jan 10th. The exhibition features work by students from Coláiste Bhríde and primary schools in the local area. It will run to the end of the month and is just part [...]

High School Musical

2018-04-30T12:04:18+01:00December 13th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Students|

Congratulations to all involved in 3 very successful nights performing High School Musical "It truly was a life changing experience, and one I will never ever ever forget, thanks to all these amazing people." Josh McGrath (Zeke) "It was the start of something new, auditions held back in March and we started rehearsing in September. [...]

Examination Fees 2016

2015-12-10T09:46:38+00:00December 10th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Parents, Students|

Junior Cert & Leaving Cert Examination Fees 2016 The fees for entry to the 2016 Certificate Examinations payable by candidates who are recognised pupils in secondary schools are as follows: Leaving Certificate (including Leaving Certificate Applied) €116 Junior Certificate €109 Waiver of Examination Fees for Medical Card Holders Candidates who hold a full medical card [...]

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