
Inter Schools Equestrian Report

2018-04-30T12:04:19+01:00October 18th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Equestrian|

Coláiste Bhríde Home Win Click here for report Images from Colaiste Bhride Interschools Equestrian meet at Barnadown last Saturday. aoife kavanagh,emer kavanagh,patrick kavanagh,and aidan kavanagh winners of the open teams at barnadoen with mary rothwell and linda dunne 17/10/15 photo by louise o

Snr Rugby

2015-10-14T21:26:54+01:00October 14th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Sport|

Well done to all!The senior rugby team started their Leinster Development Cup campaign at Carlow RFC on Wednesday afternoon against Scoil Chonglais.  With eight players making their debuts for the senior side it was an opportunity for all squad members to make their mark.  These debutants included Jack Brennan, Dylan Sawyer, Daniel Sawyer, James Rothwell, Mantas [...]

Ladies Football

2015-10-14T21:33:25+01:00October 14th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, Sport|

Coláiste Bhride played host to Bridgetown on Wednesday afternoon in the Junior Leinster Ladies Football competition. Conditions were difficult and both teams struggled early on to deal with the wet playing surface. Coláiste Bhride were under pressure in the opening minutes and had to thank Shannyn McLoughlin for keeping the Bridgetown attack at bay as [...]

French Exchange 2015 -2016

2018-04-30T12:04:19+01:00October 11th, 2015|Archive, Breaking, French Exchange|

At 6am on Sunday the 11th of October, 24 French students and their two teachers left for Dublin Airport after an action packed ten days in Carnew. It was heart-warming to see the friendships that had been forged over those ten short days with much hugging, kissing and some tears as the students bid each [...]

Maths Quiz 2015

2015-10-11T22:57:57+01:00October 11th, 2015|Archive, Breaking|

105 senior cycle higher level maths students participated in our school Maths Quiz on Friday, 9th October. This annual quiz is part of our “Maths Week”, in conjunction with our numeracy initiative. The eight rounds of questions linked directly to the H.L. project maths L.C. syllabus. Students were challenged and the team effort created a [...]

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